Price : $75 NULLED
Hello my name is Andres Sanchez,
I'm from Colombia and I live in the city of Manizales. I recently purchased the template: Web Designer WordPress Theme CV which implement the plan to use on my website as services portfolio. After a hard decision to choose a template that really are beautiful it all is chosen for three reasons:
I design beautiful and functional single
-Structure Pleasant navigation logic and thinking not only on me but on my clients.
- I like the Cherry Technology framework, because it is intuitive and easy to set up, I'm already familiar with this.
I am a freelance graphic designer and my background is not programming, I have some notions in HMTL and very little of CSS, and my clients want a complete package of my services as: corporate image, photos and web page and it is in the latter look where I turn to monster template because I need a practical and flexible solution that fits my needs and skills as a designer and in this monster template has been my great ally, its template are simply beautiful and its technology is always at the forefront of standards web.
Finally I would like that template monster had a recurrent training program to buyers like me, with special prices in templates and tutorial videos certificates: SEO and AdWords advertising.
среда, 11 апреля 2018 г.
Web Designer CV WordPress Theme Nulled
апреля 11, 2018
Wordpress Themes