четверг, 2 февраля 2017 г.

Hayes - Travel Blog WordPress Theme Nulled

Price : $72 NULLED

Hayes has been carefully developed to be a complete ecosystem catering to your creative needs from a website. Everything is included to manage your ecosystem including Social Media, Stunning Galleries, Ad management tools, Integrations of Sharing buttons with close attention to detail and styling. Typography that is both elegant and unobtrusive and of course Sliders that will present your content in the most beautiful way possible.

a€?Images are used for promotional purposes only and are not included into the pack.a€?

Hayes Travel WordPress Blog

Need to tweak a small setting to suit your branda€™s style guide We have made this simple with the Powerful Hayes Theme Optiona€™s Panel. 

If you need to override a master setting, fear not! You dona€™t even have to edit the stylesheets which can be disastrous if you are not a webmaster, 

just use the Theme Option panel to add your own custom CSS to the part of the theme you wish to update.

With all of this custom functionality in mind, the best way to manage your WordPress installation and smaller tweaks like CSS overrides mentioned above is of course to use a Child Theme. Dona€™t worry, we have this covered! You will find a Child-Theme included in your download, and this is the one you work your magic on.

That way, when there is a critical update to WordPress, you simply update the Master Theme, and the Child-Theme adapts and overrides those settings so you dona€™t lose any of your custom changes. Simple!

Youa€™ll also be saving money with the inclusion of Revolution Slider for Hayes, and rest assured of full compatibility because it has been designed specifically alongside this powerful Plugin for you. Designed with the most powerful Slider on the Market today, Revolution Slider is one click away from installation upon purchase, from there the skya€™s the limit with amazing functionality and powerful page building tools. Ita€™s so much more than just a slider we feel that it compliments Hayes perfectly, and so will you.

Travelers can create beautiful galleries to show their best work simply, with no coding required at your end. Creatives & Artisans can show off their talents without being overcrowded by flashy design tricks.

With elegant and intuitive Headers and unique Footers, you can easily create a website that will put your best work first. Everything has been designed and developed from the ground up with your content as top priority.

Hayes WordPress Theme Features

- Revolution Slider

- 6 Home Page and Blog Layouts

- Retina ready display

- 100% responsive to work smoothly on any device and mobile phones, tablet and desktop

- 3 blog post types: Standard Post, Gallery Post, Video Post

- 6 gallery types: Full-Width Gallery, Boxed Gallery, Instagram Feed Gallery, Video Gallery, Full-Width Gallery 2 and Boxed Gallery 2

- Essential Grid plugin

- Lightning fast loading speed

- Unlimited color options

- Google Web Fonts

- SEO optimized

- Full-Width Page with Slideshow and Sidebar Page with Slideshow

- Your custom logo and favicon

- Fresh and neat design

- CSS3 Features and Animations

- Well-written and detailed documentation

- Built with readability in mind

Responsive & Retina Ready

Naturally Hayes is fully Responsive, this means that no matter what device your users are viewing your content on, Hayes travel blog will scale seamlessly as if designed for them personally.

Live Demo